If you're older than 30, the chances are that you remember growing up with no such thing as body wash for men. For you and your dad, there was one option and th...
If you are somewhere in the process of growing out your beard or growing one for the first time, chances are you have seen a man with a thick, full beard and a ...
A great shaving experience is, largely, based on finding the right products that work for you. While many men are able to find products at a price range and sty...
Do you remember what is the best shaving brush you've ever used? You probably do.
Now, how about the worst one? Are you still trying to forget about it?
As we continue our beard journey and following up on the analysis of the top beard oils, the time has come for another beard care buying guide.
In today's gu...
Wet shaving enthusiast, ex-beard wearer and proud blogger of the Manliness Kit. Besides my interest in man grooming, I'm also a gadget geek (where most of my spare income goes), and passionate football (soccer) fan. I've got a beautiful girlfriend who puts up with me and my hobbies on daily basis and for that, I 'm very grateful.