No part of personal grooming for a man is more important than his beard. I know that you are thinking that hair might be the first but what about men who don't ...
You strongly believe that you are among the cleanest persons you know. I am sure that you shower every day before you go to work.
I also know that you spend ...
Your skin is the single largest organ of your body. It covers every inch of you and it's no where more prominent and noticeable than your face. So, if your goal...
Brushing, showers, shaving and face cleansing could already be on your list of things to do twice a day. Most people understand the need to brush their teeth an...
Growing up, my father was telling me stories about my grandfather's youth and why he was so strong and healthy.
Among the crazy things that my grandfather di...
Wet shaving enthusiast, ex-beard wearer and proud blogger of the Manliness Kit. Besides my interest in man grooming, I'm also a gadget geek (where most of my spare income goes), and passionate football (soccer) fan. I've got a beautiful girlfriend who puts up with me and my hobbies on daily basis and for that, I 'm very grateful.